Monday 27 July 2009

Out of Action.

It looks like my plan to get back to the Cairngorms sometime in August have been hit on the head. I twisted my knee last week and it seems that I have damaged either a ligament or cartlidge. I injured the same knee a few years ago in a motorbike accident, Anterior Cruciate Ligament IIRC so it's already a weak spot. Off work now and some physio to look forward to, it was suggested by my GP that I'll need to build up the muscles around my knee to help stabilise it otherwise surgery is the only alternative.

Ironically I'd been working on getting my summer base weight as low as possible while using a 1.7kg tent and opting to use a DSLR rather than a compact. I guess my next trip will be a winter one so I'll need to work on that now instead.


  1. Sorry to hear that Richard.
    I know how it feels. Hopefully you get it sorted quickly.
    Mike fae Dundee

  2. Hey, that's bad luck. Here's to a speedy recovery.

  3. Ouch that must hurt. Sorry about the injury and heal well.

  4. That's bad news right enough.

    M advice would be don't be tempted to go out and push it until it's properly healed.

    I hope it doesnt take to long to heal.


  5. Ouch, not the knee!. Those are the worst, I hope the physio and recovery go well.

    You're not missing much at teh moment, MWIS predicts this crap continuing through next week.

  6. Ouch! I went through the same thing a couple of years ago, blowing my right knee twice in quick succession on my BMX. Ended up having surgery. Everything is ok now (touch wood). Sad to say but an X-box saved my sanity! Get well soon.

  7. Hi Richard, very sorry to hear about your injury. You may like to have a look here...

    and follow some of the links. Your physio may be interested too. (Mine was made something similar and the relief was immediate)

  8. Thanks for the wishes for a speedy recovery folks, much appreciated.

    Fenlander, thanks for the link, maybe I'll need to get the bike back on the rollers. :-)

  9. yes echo the above comments. Get well soon and dont rush things. It'll be tough but better to be well than really bugger things up.

    I broke my knee when I was in my 20's and rather than let physio and time take its course decided to play footie too soon and did more damage and ended up in traction for a while

    all the best, dave

  10. That's a shame, Richard. Get well soon!
