Sunday, 21 December 2008

Woodstove #1 Final Design

I finally got my Tibetan ti 900 pot and finalised my design for a woodstove to fit. I ended up with an open base design which means I can store a meths burner as a back-up, unfortunately it means that the ash falls through onto the ground. A tin foil ashtray or similar solves that problem. I also managed to get some welded wire mesh and I've decided to use it for the pot-stand. All in all I'm happy enough with it but I've got a few other ideas to try
Regarding the Tibetan ti pot, it's quite nice with a matt finish but not as nice as a Snow Peak pot. The lid is a pretty loose fit as it sits on the pot rather than in desipte the flared section at the top of the pot. If the lid did sit in the flared section then the stove would need to be shortened so I'm not too concerned. The stove weighs in at 133g, stove and pot weigh in at 260g.

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