Monday, 22 December 2008

Santa claus is Real!!!

Ok, I believe, I just got back from shopping this afternoon to find that a parcel had been delivered by courier. I'm waiting for 2 items from ebay and my order from MBDC but this package was in a box 3' long. It couldn't be from Tinny at MBDC as I only ordered Thursday past. I checked the labels and it was from a photographic company but I hadn't ordered anything. When I opened it I found a Manfrotto Modo tripod and a carry case, no invoice no information, nothing. It did say IPC Media on one of the shipping labels and the only thing I can think of is that it was a prize for having some pic's published in 'What Digital Camera'.

I submitted a set of pic's a year ago but after being told they'd been accepted I heard no more about it. I contacted them about 4 months later and was told they'd lost the images, to cut a long story short I suggested that we just forget about it.

Now I'm wondering if they were published after all and if so what issue they were in.


  1. Tharg is generous, Earthling.

    Oops, wrong IPC publication ;-)

    Well done on getting the photos accepted. What were they?

  2. The original submission was this set

    Not sure if those were the ones they used though or if they used a different set chosen from my flickr site

  3. Looks good, Mac. I had them on 'slideshow' view, and thought "that's make a good screensaver". Well done.

    And a shot of Thomas the Tank Engine too. "parp, parp".

  4. Sshh, don't mention Thomas, you'll have the Welsh over trying to kidnap him ;-)
